Wednesday, February 25, 2009


For U-blog 3 I decided to talk about how mandatory it really is to be on top of the activities and assignments to not fall behind. I tend to do well with time management/staying on top of task, but this is my first online course and I've realized just how easy to get behind. I learned it the hard way by not working for a couple days due to personal reasons and came back to find a mound of work to complete. I must add though that if you do stay on top of it, check the modules daily, work ahead on the projects etc. that it is easily doable. As for all the assignments and quizzes presented in the modules, I have found them very accessible, self-explanatory and reasonable. But as I've been explaining, just because the course is layer out very well and we have all the ingredients present for success, I strongly believe it's mandatory to stay on top of an online course daily.

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