Monday, January 26, 2009

Workplace Learning


There are many trends occurring within workplace learning right now. We are moving from an “Information Era”, to a “Knowledge Era”. During the information Era, businesses focused on finding better, faster ways to process and manage information with the use of technology to gain a competitive edge. Now with the growing interest in knowledge, success is said to be in the hands of those companies that can increase their knowledge the fastest, and use it most efficiently.
With that being said, workplace learning is changing rapidly. With the growth of technology, we are now able to learn anytime anywhere. Computers, cell phones, video teleconferencing, and other are examples of where we are headed with workplace learning. Learning will not have to be planned in the workplace, but instead we will be able to learn in cars, on airplanes or at home, just as if we were behind a desk at work. As this trend grows, more and more people will want to learn this way instead of waiting on planned learning sessions at work.
From the employee’s perspective, knowing that knowledge will gain a competitive edge, we will search for those businesses that encourage learning and have the option available. This doesn’t mean that we should rely on the company to do everything and expect them to ensure that we gain knowledge. Organizations will find and hire those who will step up and take responsibility for their own learning. Someone who can learn on spot, with an abundant knowledge of technology to use it in all that they do.
So as we can see, things are changing very fast and changing dramatically. Knowledge is becoming the key factor that will give companies the competitive advantage they need to rise above all others. And with advances in technology, the way we go about gaining this knowledge will be changing as well. We will be learning on the spot, from anywhere we might be. “Workplace learning”, is nearing the end of its life cycle and is transforming into, “learning anything at anytime, anywhere.”

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